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Image by Sandy Millar

Premarital Counseling

My premarital counseling service is designed to help couples build a strong foundation for their marriage. I'll work with you to explore important topics such as roles and responsibilities, reproductive decisions, finances, and wedding planning. With my guidance, you'll be able to confidently take on whatever comes your way and build a long-lasting, fulfilling relationship.

Premarital Counseling Specialties

Twogether in  Texas
Healthy Marriages Program

Rachael Lindberg, LPC is an approved provider for the Twogether in Texas Healthy Marriages Program. Couples who complete this program, which is a minimum of 8 hours of premarital counseling or classes with an approved provider, will qualify for up to $60 off their marriage license fee and a waived 72-hour waiting period. Couples must be residing in Texas at the time of their premarital counseling appointments. 

Take the First Step  Towards Healing

Taking the first step toward counseling can be difficult, but at Afterglow Counseling & Coaching, PLLC, I'm here to make the process as smooth as possible. including relationships, life transitions, anxiety, boundary setting, and perfectionism. I believe in a holistic approach that addresses various issues including communication, conflict management, roles and responsibilities, finances, family planning, and sex and intimacy. I'll work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that fits your needs.

Proudly Serving Texas Residents via Telehealth

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